优秀的毕业生 社会学与人类学




西德尼·阿扎雷洛,23岁 难道致力于学习不仅仅是为了更深入的理解, 但也为了在世界上表现得好而学习. Her commitment to pursuing justice flows from her commitment to honoring the humanity of everyone she meets. 社会学,经济学和商学双学位, Sydney thrives in making connections across her subjects of study and actively seeks out opportunities to enact her commitment to engaging the world at large.




锡耶纳·凯克23岁 体现了谦卑, 体贴, and dedication in her pursuit of justice and truth – from the classroom to the track team to her internships in the community. 从在西班牙留学到在当地的移民中心实习, 她始终如一地表现出她在不同领域之间建立桥梁的承诺.





凯特·奥弗顿,22岁 在威斯蒙特大学期间,她表现出了成熟、智慧和敏锐的洞察力. Her participation in the Westmont in Cairo program led to an outstanding major honors project that examines Egyptian women’s experiences of everyday harassment. Kate’s attunement to the complexity of social issues along with her deep commitment to justice will make her an effective advocate for the marginalized.

凯瑟琳·瑞恩22岁 fully embodies an anthropological disposition to the world through her curiosity and commitment to engaging well with “the other.“她做的每件事都表现出奉献精神和周到.  毕业后, she hopes to apply her anthropological sensibilities in pursuit of a degree in museum studies and art history.




莎拉·加兰,21届 倡导社会变革,支持边缘群体. Sarah’s intelligence and compassion are evident in such endeavors as her Emmaus Road service trip working with Burmese refugee children, 她在圣巴巴拉移民希望医院实习, 她为第一代威斯蒙特大学学生创建了一个新的奖学金项目, 她还促成了ag娱乐官网对当地无家可归危机的审议. Sarah’s senior reSearch project examines how police departments influence officers’ attitudes and beliefs regarding racial groups and the 黑人的命很重要 movement. 在从事与教育倡导和公平相关的职业之前, Sarah plans to complete a one-year internship with the International Justice Mission in Ghana to enhance awareness of child labor trafficking.



在教室里, 肯尼迪·达拉格,20年 has discovered a love for qualitative methodology in her reSearch projects on the formation of identity. 教室外, her participation in local tutoring through Urban Initiative and leading the Potter’s Clay’s cultural immersion team have deepened her appreciation for cross-cultural experiences. 曾在圣巴巴拉的青少年法庭和《ag娱乐官网》实习, an organization that creates pathways for women and girls living in the Tenderloin district of San Francisco, Kennedy is interested in pursuing a joint MSW and JD to combine her passion for social justice with practical and preventative legal work in such areas as sex trafficking, 监狱改革, 移民, 和/或对妇女和儿童的暴力和家庭虐待.



艾米丽·斯托普勒19岁, whose senior project explored the sociological factors that influence attitudes about interracial dating relationships, hopes to attend graduate school for sport psychology to become a counselor to student-athletes. “Bringing awareness to mental health in the realm of college athletics is something I am very passionate about and would love to pursue in the future,她说。.

她曾在世界宣明会和美国避难所实习, 一个领先的灾难救济和人道主义援助组织.

“Emily brings a high level of intellectual curiosity and intensity when interrogating texts and conducting reSearch,Felicia Song说, 社会学系的系主任. “She models how being thoughtful about sociological and theological realities can be meaningfully expressed by helping these organizations tell their stories locally and globally through developing and managing video shoots, 新闻稿和存档录像.”

斯托普勒说:“我在威斯蒙特大学最美好的时光就是身边的人. “我的朋友和老师都在学业和ag娱乐官网上推动我,挑战我. I am forever grateful for the faculty who have poured into me here and have taken the time to invest in me as a student and person as well as the friends I have made here that have encouraged me and loved me with the love of Christ.”



哈雷Parzonko, 18岁 希望带来社会变革,促进边缘化ag娱乐官网的人类繁荣. She served four years with the 首页less ministry Bread of Life and studied with Westmont Downtown, 与一个组织合作,将当地企业聚集在一起, non-profits and government agencies to combat 首页lessness and assist domestic trafficking survivors. 她投资了一个ag娱乐官网种族和刑事司法的阅读小组,并探讨了性别问题, 在开罗的韦斯特蒙特学期的宗教和课堂. One of the most rewarding parts of her Westmont career was competing with the women’s soccer team. “这个项目对我来说是一个安全的地方,让我学会如何从失败中成长,她说。. “在教练们的帮助下,我的性格和领导力得到了极大的提升, 导师和队友都隶属于韦斯特蒙特项目. 这个程序关心的是输赢, but they also cared about each player in the long run and who we are going to be as people in this world. I find it very special they cared about developing us as women to empower our voice and character.”



艾玛·罗宾斯(Emma robbins)(2017年) 对学术卓越的追求体现在她的社会学和英语双学位上, 辅修性别研究. 她的专业荣誉论文探讨了警察暴行和性侵犯的媒体表现, including how language about black women’s  experiences both reflects and stifles their lived realities of racial and gender prejudice. Emma’s passion for ministering to persons with stigmatized identities is exemplified in her work as a chaplain at San Francisco General Hospital and leader in Spectrum, a local nonprofit seeking to create a safe space to discuss issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity. 明年, 艾玛将帮助奥克兰的贫困儿童, 继续做牧师, 然后去强奸危机中心服务. 她计划攻读社会工作的研究生学位. 我们很高兴授予她社会学和人类学优秀学长奖.


努力将她的ag娱乐官网、学术和实践结合起来, 雪莉罗 '17 is deeply committed to serving marginalized populations and applying her sociological understanding of institutional systems and inequalities. 雪莉在危地马拉通过以马忤斯路帮助成年残疾孤儿, 作为文科大使辅导未来的第一代大学生, 参与了生命之粮, 在《ag娱乐官网》实习, 这是一个非营利组织,专门辅导那些容易被拐卖的弱势学生. 在校园, 雪莉创立并领导了Convergence, 一个学生社团,创造机会促进对当前问题的民间对话, 包括难民危机, 枪支管制, 言论自由, 黑人的命很重要, 大规模监禁. 今年秋天,雪莉将开始攻读社会工作硕士课程. 她计划与城市环境中的弱势儿童、青年和家庭一起工作. 我们很高兴授予她社会学与人类学实践奖.



查德·赛克斯,16岁 深切致力于通过ag娱乐官网参与活出他的基督教ag娱乐官网. Chad has excelled in the classroom and in the Westmont Downtown program – asking meaningful questions, 展示重要的社会学洞察力, 并努力实现积极的社会变革. 通过他在非营利组织公正ag娱乐官网的项目实习生的工作, 乍得研究了美国复杂的社会问题.S. 教育系统. 查德对成为导师的热情在他作为住校助理的工作中表现得很明显, 他曾在营地担任受虐寄养儿童的顾问, 以及他在北欧韦斯特蒙特项目中担任学生牧师的角色. 毕业后,查德打算教高中数学和青少年篮球教练.



凯蒂·普卢默特(2015年) 她的学术成就远远超出了她的课程. 作为韦斯特蒙特的主编 地平线, Katie’s leadership encouraged campus discussions over socially significant issues including racial diversity, 性, 社会不平等. 致力于促进对话和参与多样性事务, she founded the Loving Our Religious Neighbors Club – a group that encourages interfaith dialogue on campus, 在伊斯坦布尔的韦斯特蒙特项目中学习, and is completing a senior reSearch project that examines the recent news coverage of unaccompanied child migrants from Central America. 在圣. 安东尼在旧金山, 为无家可归者提供服务的主要社会服务机构之一, Katie intends to spend a few years working in the non-profit world before pursuing a career as a professor of Sociology.