优秀的毕业生 哲学




In a perfect world, every philosophy or religious studies class would have its 玛蒂·西蒙森,23岁. 玛蒂总是为上课做充分的准备, and she has always worked hard to master the assigned material. She reads carefully and thoroughly in order to acquire a strong understanding of difficult philosophical texts. Maddy is a self-motivated and responsible learner who pursues knowledge of the truth in humility.





查普曼·坎利斯22岁 is a skilled philosopher, exceptional writer, admirable person, and devoted follower of Christ. He is adept at careful, critical analysis and creative, original synthesis. He is a master of the art of written philosophical dialogue and his work is lively, 引人入胜的, 和深刻的. He is an excellent student who is not showy or pretentious but humble and modest.



虽然 布伦南授予'21 was a latecomer to philosophy after concentrating initially on his biology major, he quickly distinguished himself in his new area of study. Both his professors and his classmates are the beneficiaries of his careful thinking, 学习热情, 和好奇的天性. According to one of his professors, Brennan reasons both well and for the good. His thinking is precise in ways that help foster real dialogue, and his contributions to class conversation are just and kind. Another professor says course discussions are made better by Brennan’s participation—partly because he has thoughtful things to say, and partly because he encourages his classmates to share their ideas too, 但绝不是以霸道的方式. Brennan also brings his scientific expertise into philosophical dialogue in helpful ways. And he will no doubt approach his future studies in medical science with wisdom and a concern for 人类 flourishing.



奥斯汀·纳奇伯,20岁 knew early on that he wanted to double major in philosophy and religious studies. And he has employed both disciplines well to develop a general Christian perspective on the world. 奥斯汀大胆地应对智力挑战. He is always ready to dive into the deepest ideas he can find. And his cheerful willingness to explore, experiment, and learn has paid off. Austin has deep insight as well as a great ability to think creatively and rigorously. 他坚持不懈地追求理想. 有时可以说服他改变主意, but only after he has thoroughly exhausted his argumentative options. Austin does all this with kindness and generosity toward others. He has also served his major departments as a tutor and honor society officer.



乔丹·斯特兰德斯,19岁, 我主修哲学和英语双学位, earned the Outstanding Graduate Award in philosophy as well as the annual Robert N. 温伯格哲学奖学金. “He engages in the life of the mind with a winsome combination of seriousness and playfulness,吉姆·泰勒说, 哲学系主任. “One minute he’ll be deep in thought about a perplexing philosophical problem, and the next minute he’ll be laughing heartily about a classmate’s clever remark.”

为了他的英语顶点项目, he reSearched and wrote a creative story about the life and thought of French philosopher Gaston Bachelard, who tried to understand the nature of science and poetry and the way the two could interact.

Stradness, a standout tennis player and member of the Citadel staff, 能同时进行创造性和批判性的哲学思考吗. “He approaches both of his majors with the skills of a careful reader, 巧妙的作家, 敏感的侦听器, 善于表达的演讲者,泰勒说。.

He is considering graduate school to become an English or philosophy professor or earning an MFA in creative writing.



阿娴中方, 18岁, who will pursue a master’s degree in philosophical theology at Oxford in the fall, 希望在学术界谋一职, 哲学教学与研究. 在Westmont, he completed three reSearch papers: “A Defense of Dispositional Innatism,” the claim that we have innate dispositions to believe in certain things; “A New Solution to the Problem of Divine Freedom and Goodness,” how God can be both perfectly good and free; and “A Defense of Motivations for the Growing Block Theory of Time,” the theory that the past and present exist but not the future. “The best part of my four years at Westmont has been the relationships with professors, 朋友和同伴, who have introduced me to questions about God and the world he created and who have also helped me learn how to think critically about those questions,他说.



自从大一时选择了哲学专业, 马修·马勒,17岁 席卷了整个部门. 几乎上了我们提供的所有课程, he distinguished himself as a bright and articulate student with an inquisitive mind, 创意笔, 以及对哲学思考的热情. Matt also served the department as president of our honor society and a teaching assistant. 表彰他的成就和贡献, the department awarded him the Wennberg Scholarship last year. 马特也是作家之角的导师, 科学与ag娱乐官网俱乐部的主席, 大学管弦乐队小提琴手, 还是大学歌剧里的无声喜剧演员. He also presented at philosophy conferences and secured some publications. Matt plans to begin graduate studies in philosophy next year in pursuit of a Ph.D.



布拉德利(“特鲁德”)史密斯'15 周到认真. He uses his intellectual abilities to ask significant questions, but never in an overbearing way. He's the kind of person one wants as a conversation partner. And he has made valuable contributions to many conversations (in class and out). 特鲁德的工作是占据位置 & 思想严重. Yes, he wants to understand the details of an argument, but he 真的 wants to understand how those details fit into the big picture. And the big pictures in philosophy that interest Trude the most are the 人类 ones: how ideas about knowledge, God, essence, language, value, culture, etc. 在现实生活中有所作为. 也不会被他的个性所征服, 哪一个总是容易相处, 含蓄的, 热心好玩?!