优秀的毕业生 英语




克里斯蒂安娜·菲利普斯,23岁 是有天赋的读者和作家吗. 在她的学术工作之外, she has been collaborating with Eben Drost as a student liturgist creating the non-musical elements of worship in chapels this year: 写作 prayers, 诗, 冥想, 组织经文阅读和背诵. 当克里斯蒂安娜写文学的时候, 她创作各种诗歌风格:十四行诗, 自由诗体, 诗歌形式, 甚至离合诗.





阿比盖尔·沃森22年 is incisive in analyzing a text, graceful in her prose style, and incredibly conscientious. 反复, 她将是班上第一个提交给定文章的学生, 哪一个经常是班上最好的. 在戏剧评论中, 她诚实而善良, pointing out strengths while offering vivid accounts of what awaits potential viewers. Abby will pursue graduate work in library science and has been accepted into multiple programs.


卡莉丝曹 & 劳拉·乔伊·菲利普斯

卡丽丝·周,21岁 是一个聪明的女人. 她的好奇心, 致力于批判性探究, and copious intellectual gifts drive and fuel scholarly work that is as elegant and insightful as it is prescient. 在她的主要荣誉项目, Karis将自己的民族志编织在一起, 文学理论, and literary and cultural analysis with style and grace; in doing so, she reveals for her audience the tension and beauty of Korean and Korean American life, 内存, 和历史. 在她的工作中, 卡里斯成功地突破了文学理论的界限, 文学分析, and creative non-fiction in ways that open up new possibilities in disciplines like contemporary U.S. 文学,你.S. 文化研究、亚裔美国人研究和创意写作. 事实上, 在她的阅读中, 写作, 和思考, Karis imagines an otherwise and an elsewhere—a future in which narratives written and read by Americans of color tell us not only where we have been and where we are now, 也是我们可以去的地方. 卡丽丝的才智只有她的善良才能与之媲美, 以及她对上帝和邻居强烈的爱, 这种爱既束缚又锚定了她富有远见的智力劳动. We, 在英语系, 为Karis的生命赞美上帝, 还有她的过去, 现在, 以及未来的成功.

劳拉·乔伊·菲利普斯21岁 is an Augustinian Scholar majoring in 英语 with minors in both Writing and Religious Studies. 在大二的英国学期,她加深了对礼拜仪式的热爱. Her passion for diversity and inclusiveness has carried over into her scholarship and contributions to social justice causes. 劳拉因致力于研究而受到教授和同学的钦佩, 制备深度, 文字表达的完美, 语音控制, 完整性, 以及深刻的道德使命感. 她作为作家角的资深同伴导师分享这些天赋, who plans to pursue a teaching career in 英语 after completing graduate studies in Composition and Rhetoric. 她是礼来大学研究生奖学金项目的入围者, 是什么装备了未来基督教院校的教师学者. 为了她的毕业项目, 劳拉正在修改她自己的青少年奇幻小说(伯德桑), 它探讨了友谊的主题, 疾病, 以及环境后果.



保罗·韦斯特,20岁 is completing a double major in 英语 and Music Composition with a grand total of 172 credit hours. 事实上,作曲一直是保罗的两个专业的主题. 除了作曲, 他热情地指导合作者, creative efforts of the Student Writers Guild and currently serves as co-editor of the 凤凰城. Paul is well known for his jubilant faith, his welcoming presence, and his terrible puns.



牛津英语词典奖得主 奥利维亚·斯托威尔,19岁 integrated her work in 英语 and theater to create a powerful stage adaptation of T.S. 艾略特的《ag娱乐官网》有六个演员. “Her theater arts senior project paired Eliot with Anne Sexton to stage fractured experiences in two towering American poets,莎拉·斯克里普斯基说, 英语系主任.

Stowell says a highlight of her time at Westmont has been the mentorship and friendship she received from faculty and staff. “他们教会了我很多, 在我的旅途中鼓励我, 给我写了推荐信, 让我在办公时间哭泣, 为我祈祷, 支持我,挑战我,”她说。. “如果没有他们的影响,我就不会成为现在的我.”

Stowell’s 英语 major honors project explored the intersectional othering of the evil body in animation, Skripsky解释说, 动画师根据种族将邪恶编码为“其他”的方式, 性别, 性或吸引力. 与此同时, she organized campus-wide Fringe Festivals and offering her resonant voice to justice issues on campus.

“Intercultural 项目 is probably the space on campus where I have learned and grown the most,她说。. “的 community and family there is such a picture of Christ-like love, inclusion and justice. 我会非常想念它的.”

She will 现在 a paper on “Frankenstein” at the International Gothic Association Conference and another essay will be published in Liberated Arts.  She begins graduate school next fall to study 英语 literature at Villanova University. “I’m excited to take the next step in pursuing my goal to get my doctorate and hopefully someday become a professor,她说。.



凯瑟琳·帕特里克,18岁 will do graduate work in modern and contemporary literature and culture at the University of St. 苏格兰的安德鲁斯. Westmont’s England Semester inspired her to consider questions of contextual and intercultural significance by connecting the works of literature she studied to the places in which they were written. 在伦敦滑铁卢桥下的旧书市场购物, 漫步在华兹华斯的湖区, 在爱丁堡著名的艺穗节观看表演, 让我爱上了英国的风景和文化,她说。. 最终, her goal is to found a magazine designed to empower young women to participate in intercultural travel. “This travel provides young women with invaluable opportunities to launch their personal growth, 从而增加独立性和自信心,她说。.  Observing another country’s culture and meeting people who might be different can teach compassion and a willing to understand others and be receptive to new ideas. 的 ability to see the world from someone else’s perspective leads to greater empathy and self-awareness, qualities that will continue to empower young women throughout their personal and professional lives.”



凯莉·柯林斯17岁 has brought a wide-awake mind and an unfailingly eager presence to all of her many courses 在英语系. 今年她干练地担任了 凤凰城 同时还要完成一项ag娱乐官网耶稣比喻的主要荣誉项目, not only reSearching the parables themselves but also creating her own short stories based on some of the parables. 除了, this year Kelly has been president of the Philosophy Club and a captain of the track and cross-country teams. 她跑步,她思考,她读书,她写作!  和她在一起也很快乐.



凯瑟琳·斯凯勒,16岁 阅读时眼光敏锐,提出了引人注目的原创观点,写作时思路清晰. 抓住生动的细节来支持她深刻的分析, her exemplary 写作 manages to remain deftly concise while dealing comprehensively with an issue. 为了完成课堂作业,她精心撰写论文和评论,达到可发表的水平. 凯思琳也是一名出色的作家, interesting poetry that she has 现在ed in the Westmont Reading Series and the Santa Barbara Poetry Series with composure and verve. Her upbeat, generous spirit contributes positively to the life of any group of which she is a part. 她已经在成为终身学习者的道路上走得很好. 凯思琳可能在12月就完成了所有的毕业要求, but she’s been auditing classwork this semester because of her insatiable intellectual curiosity.



妮可·布洛伊斯15岁 是智力和创造力的力量吗. 她能理清一段晦涩难懂的文学段落, 回忆相关的上下文细节,使熟悉的文本有新的理解, 清晰地表达那些颠覆传统智慧的问题, 写一个句子,让一个有经验的读者停下脚步. Whether Nicole is quietly working on a novel while keeping up this impressive academic pace or embellishing an in-class essay with graphics full of literary allusions, 她的想象力和幽默感给她的智力成就带来了真正的冲击力. Her mental deftness finds its match in her graciousness and subtle, self-deferential wit. 她可能体现了一种未被发现的文学超能力. 不管她的天赋来自哪里, 他们祝福了英语系的教师, 是谁带着感激和祝贺送她去新的冒险.