Outstanding Graduates Economics & Business


Alison Thomas

Alison Thomas

Alison Thomas '23 is relentless in her drive to learn. 她对每一项任务都有纪律和坚定的求知欲. Watching her work is joyful and inspiring. 在将经济概念应用于当前问题时,艾莉森迅速掌握了经济模型的特征和含义, both domestic and global. Her writing is deliberative, careful, and creative.



Maggie Hine

Faculty affirm that Maggie Hine '22 is a joy to have in class. 她思考和交流都很精确,而且性格谦逊.  Maggie devours work with energy and focus, 面对挑战从不退缩,她有很强的自我意识,这让她稳定下来. 她带着一种令人钦佩的基督徒承诺,为那些面临经济危机的人寻求最佳的管理方式


Jared Huff

Jared Huff '21 他在该专业的出色表现受到了经济与商业学院的赞扬. 事实上,贾里德每门课都非常出色,得了4分.0 GPA. 老师们都很欣赏他对课堂讨论的贡献, intellectual curiosity and acumen in analytical thinking, precise communication skills, and winsome and helpful manner as a teaching assistant. Jared’s talents stretch outside of economics and business, for he is a budding thespian, having participated in the Magic Flute production. 他也代表了一份遗产,因为大约有23名赫夫被韦斯特蒙特大学录取. Jared will be attending Georgetown University Law Center. 我们祝贺Jared作为我们优秀的2021届毕业生的出色表现.


Jacob Ibrahim

Jacob Ibrahim '20 尊重并深刻理解他所学习的每门学科的基础知识. His willingness to grind out quality work, to never jump to irrational conclusions, 接受具有挑战性的任务是他循序渐进的方法的证明,这种方法有目的地推动他前进. 他天生的领导才能和随和的气质使他出色的职业道德更加完善. Jacob can be counted on to bring stability, wisdom, and vision to situations either easy or difficult. We thank you for your diligence, 我们祝贺你被这么多法学院录取,并祝你在秋季攻读加州大学伯克利分校或加州大学洛杉矶分校的法律学位时一切顺利.


Whitney Tice

Whitney Tice '19 has been an aerial dancer for seven years. 她说:“从我很小的时候起,我就喜欢爬东西,爬得很高. “空中飞行让我在努力工作的同时保持了一种孩子般的玩耍感. 我认为最让我兴奋的是尝试和掌握新技能和序列的挑战, which I find incredibly fun and exhilarating.”

她的教授说她勤奋、好学,总是活在当下. “Actively listening, gently probing, persistently processing, diligently growing and quietly contributing, 惠特尼也是一个杰出的人,她每天都活在自己的ag娱乐官网中,并且真诚地与他人接触, in offering prayers and in being concerned for all,” says Rick Ifland, chair of the economics and business department.

泰斯在5月期间在亚洲的ag娱乐官网学习,并在乌干达生活了一个月,作为以马忤斯路的一部分. “This was one of the most valuable experiences in my life,她谈到她在卢加齐的ag娱乐官网儿童之家和上帝奇迹之家的时光, Uganda.



Savannah Reed-Plouffe

After Commencement, Savannah Reed-Plouffe '18 will head to Singapore as part of a Westmont Mayterm course. 她将在新加坡发展银行(DBS)做市场调研实习。, 该机构每年都会举办亚洲洞察会议,讨论到2030年亚洲会是什么样子. 在为期五周的伦敦剧院五月期中,她观看了37部戏剧. “我接触到了很多不同的世界观和观点,”她说. “整个经历真的把韦斯特蒙所教授的ag娱乐官网成为全球学习者的一切联系在一起, eager to understand other people’s experiences.她的教授帮助她成长为一个完整的人,他们的见解和建议帮助塑造了她的职业道路. 她正在考虑读研和从事会计工作. “我真的很喜欢商业的财务方面以及商业的法律复杂性,” she says. “在遥远的将来,我可以看到自己担任顾问或咨询师的角色. 韦斯特蒙教会我的最重要的一件事是上帝比我更有创造力, with Him, 我的未来比我想象的要广阔得多.”


Alice McCormick

Alice McCormick '17 is an outstanding student who is a joy to have in class.  爱丽丝安静而专注,总是在倾听,总是在处理,总是在成长.  She is industrious, a pleasant collaborator, 她是一个经验丰富的演讲者和一个好奇的学习者,有独特的见解,她愿意与他人分享.  Alice's assignments, 在她遇到的每一次努力中,家庭作业和考试都始终是高质量的. 


Megan Litschewski

Megan Litschewski '16 is so much more than a Monroe Scholar. She is thoughtful, polished, organized, determined, competitive, articulate and simply outstanding as a critical thinker, creative writer and vigorous scholar. Resolute to excel at every task, 梅根也表现出对他人的谨慎和周到的关心, most especially as a true friend to those most in need. 我们的共同感觉是,当她开始作为战略顾问的努力时, 作为基督的忠实追随者,梅根正在为商业世界做出重大贡献的道路上.


Kha-Ai Nguyen

Kha-Ai Nguyen '16 is quietly driven, highly intelligent, unpredictably witty, 她的工作效率高得惊人,显然对每一个她接触过的人都很友好. Truly a delight to have in class, 她体现了我们在威斯蒙特所期望的:在课堂上绝对是一个有思想的学者, grateful, Christ-filled servant to others in our community, and faithful leader in so many co-curricular activities. Kha-Ai’s inquisitiveness, 勤奋和博大的胸怀会让她在医疗管理领域蓬勃发展.


Crawford Ifland

Crawford Ifland '15 is a person of unquestioned integrity and high moral character; a person of commitment to excellence demonstrated by the way he uses his talents; and a person who espouses and practices the Judeo-Christian ethic of service to others. He is bright, articulate, a tenacious learner, responsible, self-confident, hard working, curious, goal oriented, cheerful and highly dependable. While excelling in the classroom, Crawford also started three companies, 他是肯塔基赛马会的官方摄影师,他的客户包括上市公司和知名的基督教非营利组织, 包括柳溪协会和葛培理福音协会. His creative work has been published over 150 times. 我们期待着他在创业中发挥他的许多才能,创造光明的未来.