优秀的毕业生 沟通研究




汉娜·兰德里根,23岁 embodies intelligence, winsomeness, hard work, dedication, and good cheer. She conveys ideas with ease, making complex concepts easy to understand. 她的智慧不仅局限于学术, 还延伸到了她的人际交往能力, where she excels at building strong and meaningful relationships. 虽然她在每个班级都名列前茅, 汉娜从不表现得好像有什么任务或问题是她不配做的.




布鲁克·哈林顿,22岁 有很强的好奇心,在课堂上提出有见地的问题, 不是因为内容可能会出现在考试中, but because she’s interested in the implications of the material for life and who she is becoming. Brooke is fearless in pursuing her goals, but she also demonstrates care through her interactions. She is well-spoken and thoughtful about how language and culture impact others.



凯尔·梅尔,21岁 是一个细心的倾听者、深刻的思考者和有天赋的作家吗. He not only has the academic gravitas to impress 教授, but also a heart of gold. 作为教学和研究助理, 他已经展示了博士水平的工作, acting truly as a colleague in these positions rather than as a student. Kyle is committed to seeing the image of God in the people around him. 他会提出很好的问题,并与他人交流, 无论是在课堂上与教授还是同学, 在ag娱乐官网促进审议和对话, 或者在他实习的移民希望医院.


劳伦·彼得森,21岁 不仅是教授的快乐,还是学生的快乐. 教授们都喜欢她果断而又善于接受的头脑, 她富有同情心, 合理的声音, 特别是为了种族公正. She has also developed a talent for seeing systems nested within other systems. She is adaptable in her thinking, creative, and warm, and she is someone we can always count on. Because Lauren has been a tutor and occasional substitute teacher, students love her too. 她以敏感和创新的方式与同龄人齐头并进, 甚至改进教授的作业!




凯莉·希克斯,20岁, 传播学专业的大四学生, 是真理的追求者吗, 在课堂讨论中有敏锐的洞察力, 也是最可靠的学生. She does not shy away from raising questions and challenging prevailing flows of thought, yet also challenges and dissents in welcoming ways and with a humble spirit. Her ability to mentor younger students and create hospitable spaces in and beyond the classroom make her a truly ethical communicator and scholar. 凯莉确实在韦斯特蒙留下了她的印记! 她参加了四年的陶艺大赛, 她的领导力每年都在增长, 为核心团队服务, 主要部门, 并担任宣传经理. Her love of the Spanish language and Mexican culture led her to study abroad in Querétaro, 墨西哥, where she found it “a joy and a privilege to become more fluent and able to communicate competently with my host family, 教授, 甚至优步司机!“除了她的事工和出国留学, 凯莉在学校合唱团和韦斯特蒙特女子合唱团唱歌, 无伴奏合唱团). She’s also worked with the Conversation Café and served as an Orientation team leader and teaching assistant in communication reSearch methods. Professor Lesa Stern says that Kaylee is particularly gifted in helping students clarify and pursue their reSearch ideas while also encouraging them along the way. Kaylee says that her involvement in various ministries and discussion activities were especially valuable, 因为她很珍惜帮助别人, 听说过. 她说“这是。, 很大程度上, what prompted me to pursue a graduate degree in speech language pathology, where I can help to give the gift of communication to others so they are able to express themselves better and find a sense of belonging.”



穿过韦斯特蒙特市中心, 丽贝卡·比格利,19岁 served as the social media and communications intern at Youth Interactive, 课后创业艺术学院.

她很好奇, 精力充沛的, 智力参与, 一个极好的提问者, 非常有趣,黛博拉·邓恩教授说, 传播学系主任. “虽然她有时很淘气,而且眼睛里经常闪烁着光芒, she also demonstrates incredible sensitivity toward others and is committed to pursuing mutual understanding, 尤其是那些涉及高风险的身份和正义的问题.”

她是跨文化项目的成员, lead the Multi-Ethnic Student Association and wrote for the Features section of the Horizon. 她在耶路撒冷跟随韦斯特蒙特留学, 曾担任Lambda Pi Eta会长, 传播研究国家荣誉学会, 并在2016年和2018年执导了春声短剧.

在国外学习时, I found a love for Israel/Palestine and was able to learn a lot about myself, 正义与冲突, 并建立了我最牢固最深厚的友谊,她说。.

She 希望s to publish a series of children’s books about race in the U.S. 叫做“美国的统一形态”.”



汉娜·贝尔克,18岁, who 希望s to pursue a career in mediation and work with groups in conflict, 担任住宿助理, a member of the National Communication Association’s honor society, 并致力于校园种族和解. 她是一个一丝不苟的研究人员, studying FOX 新闻 and their portrayal of black men in police shootings, the relationship between grit and gratitude in college students, 并协助研究对话和审议. She walked the Camino de Santiago in Spain during an off-campus program and studied with Westmont in Jerusalem.



丽贝卡·王'17 combines an exacting attentiveness to empirical reSearch with a bold imagination and a cosmopolitan sensibility. Because she is at 首页 in both the social sciences and the humanities, she consistently comes to original insights that are rigorously supported by her nuanced and subtle reading of quantitative data. 她这样做的同时,谦逊地接受新的或令人吃惊的想法, asking what is worthy in a new perspective and what she may learn. Rebekah is also known for her spirit of hospitality – in and out of the classroom, 她能很好地适应多种文化, 创造一个充满ag娱乐官网的快乐空间, 希望, 和爱.



马特的速度 '16 has consistently distinguished himself with thoughtful and thorough work. In addition to his impressive essays on issues related to authenticity, he demonstrates a talent for conflict analysis and a heart for participating in the work of reconciliation. 在一个海外学习项目中,一位教师指出:“...what especially marked Matt’s work was his willingness to confront difficult issues at an existential level and his ability to hold in tension conflicting outlooks.“我们很欣赏马特令人钦佩的职业道德, 他在教室里沉着大方, 以及他的感激之情.



彼得·马修斯15岁 invites those around him to join him in preparing and celebrating the delights of scholarship as an intellectual feast. Peter’s intellectual palate is as sophisticated as it is cosmopolitan. He combines a tremendous ability to judge the piquancy and richness of the best of rhetorical theory and criticism with an equally extraordinary openness to savoring a remarkable range of ideas across the liberal arts. Peter’s formidable erudition is enough on its own to distinguish his scholarship and accomplishments, but what makes him special is the manner in which his talents are an occasion for a Carnivalesque revelry in rigorous and yet charitable, 严肃而又快乐, 深刻而又幽默的智力盛宴.