Outstanding Graduates Art


Annika Britton

Annika Britton

Annika Britton '23她在艺术系的特点是对他人和周围环境的美丽充满了真正的好奇心. 她的纺织雕塑充满了感官愉悦,并因喜悦和发现而振动. She is tenacious in her studio work, 重新创作她的艺术作品,以捕捉她的视觉最清晰的版本.



Ashley Rosenbaum

Ashley Rosenbaum

Ashley Rosenbaum '23她对户外的热爱滋养了她的创造性艺术创作,她的艺术反映了她对周围环境的亲密意识. 她对攀登岩石悬崖的关注和严格的练习,就像她对绘制山景的沟槽和轮廓的水彩画一样. 阿什利拥有令人印象深刻的职业道德,总是为课堂做好准备.




Abigail Stadtlander

Abigail Stadtlander 在课堂上是否总是积极向上,总是面带微笑. She is tenacious in her studio work. As an art history minor, 她已经证明了自己是一个敏锐的初级和次级文本读者, an incisive reader of images, 一个清晰的将视觉论点转化为语言的翻译. 她在课堂上的积极投入对她的教授是一种鼓励, as is her creative imagination and care for her


Sharon Ko

Sharon Ko '21 brings a deep sense of empathy to her art practice, 为其他人创造分享故事的空间,并通过她的创作以一种尊重参与者的方式看到这些故事的美学过滤. Her work embodies care, sensitivity, 这反过来又自然地反映了莎伦作为一个人和朋友的为人. In the classroom, she is an incisive reader and persuasive writer. Even better, Sharon is the kind of person who can move a conversation forward, because listening well is the foundation for speaking well. She brings her whole self, full of integrity and strength, to whatever she does, in the classroom, the studio, and beyond.


Jordan Marshall

Jordan Marshall '20她的作品反映了她作为艺术家和思想家的性格:彻底, patient, meticulous, and uncompromising. A gifted painter, Jordan conjures windows into realistic worlds with her brush, with an eye towards representational fidelity. 作为一个有天赋的作家,她的写作作品同样专注于她所参与的文本和思想. 在我们的杰出资深奖获得者中有一个共同的主题,他们是那些有备而来并准备好工作的人, 乔丹也不例外:她出色的工作部分是她追求卓越的结果,部分是她坚持不懈的结果, disciplined hours logged in the studio. Jordan has stated her intention to pursue art as a vocation, 我们期待着看到即将到来的画作.


Madeleine Kilpatrick

Madeleine Kilpatrick '19 是在韦斯特蒙特大学的第一年由梅根·斯特林教授介绍她接触版画的. “From there it was full steam ahead!” Kilpatrick says. “我喜欢版画是ag娱乐官网层次的,ag娱乐官网创造图形图像的.”

She describes her printmaking style as non-traditional, 活在当下,不去追求完美.

玛德琳用一种快乐的使命感和雄心壮志体现了这种纪律,” says Lisa DeBoer, chair of the art department. “她明白,当我们有灵感的时候,艺术家们不会去工作室, but in order to become inspired. 她是参与,驱动和渴望学习更多,不断增加她的技术剧目.”

Kilpatrick, 谁能获得艺术与传播学学士学位, will spend a month abroad on Westmont’s Borders, Boundaries, and Brexits: Jerusalem to Belfast mayterm course. 她希望在纳什维尔的工作室里工作几年,建立自己的作品集, Tennessee, pursuing an MFA in Printmaking.

“I hope to teach, 同时保持工作室的活力,并继续与ag娱乐官网分享我的作品,” she says.


Janna Jensen

Janna Jensen '18她是女子越野赛和田径队的长跑运动员,获得了艺术奖. She enjoyed a three-year internship at Slingshot, a cooperative of artists with developmental disabilities. For her senior art project, 她为五位给她带来灵感的艺术家画了古典油画肖像. “通过我与这些人的关系,通过我受到他们艺术启发的方式, I wanted to honor them in creating portraits of them,” Jensen says. 这位长滩居民将继续画画,同时在艺术界寻找机会. She is considering graduate school in art therapy.


Jenna Haring

Jenna Haring '17 拥有我们在学生中见过的最强的自然绘图能力. 她也是一位声音独特的强大作家,也是一位彻底的研究者. Jenna is sharp, disciplined, and committed, 她表现出一种奇妙的好奇心,这是给她的教授和同学的礼物. Jenna does not do anything halfway. 她深挖,为了问题本身而深挖. 作为艺术部和博物馆的一名工作人员,对她来说,没有什么任务是小的,也没有什么任务是大的. Her cheerful attitude and calm, 沉着的举止确保了她是一个有价值和受人尊敬的学生同事.


Aria Hamann

The Art Department has been truly impressed by Aria Hamann’s ('16) 纪律意识,富有同情心的社会参与,以及个人性格的力量. 艾瑞亚的个人热情和对他人福祉的真诚关心是我们ag娱乐官网的一份礼物. She regularly facilitates discussion groups, is a natural leader in class conversations, 并且有丰富的能力来表达复杂的想法,并在多个知识领域之间建立联系. 艾瑞亚对艺术的许多兴趣都源于丰富观众日常生活体验的愿望, and she contemplates how to use art to change perspectives, offer new visions and make meaningful connections to viewers. 考虑到她强烈的职业道德加上对他人的慷慨, 艾瑞亚是给毕业班和整个系的礼物.


Morgan Holman

Morgan Holman’s ('15) 艺术部门的生产是由她好奇的艺术实践推动的. Throughout her studies, 她通过多种艺术媒介自由创作,并以有意识的生活为主题, cultivating the land, and transformative spiritual journeys. One of the hardest workers in this year’s class, 她有内在的动力,经常在版画工作室工作很长时间. A kinesthetic maker, 她的木刻版画揭示了在雕刻精致细节以描绘广阔风景时所投入的劳动.  

Morgan’s leadership in her class is characterized by a quiet strength and unflappable grace; she maintains an interpersonal generosity towards her peers and strangers alike. The department has been encouraged through her personal warmth, communal hospitality, 以及她对我们集体对话的勤奋和深刻的贡献.